You’re always one choice away from changing your life.

Healing is the only choice that brings changes in a wonderful way.  By embracing ourselves with our inner child: that little girl inside us, that little boy inside us, giving us new powers to live life to the fullest. Accepting ourselves leads to absolute inner freedom and inner peace.

My Story

My healing journey began when I started listening to that sweet, little voice inside me that was so eager to be heard and understood.  This voice was reaching out in order to be free, inexperienced in life with curiosity again.

With the help of RTT’s innovative methods, I’ve gotten to reconnect with a part of myself that always felt left out, abandoned and unwanted. This rejoiceful moment was when I healed that part of myself, which I didn’t think was ever possible.  It gave me complete freedom of choice, welcomed change, and allowed me to step into my true self-worth and true self-powers.


I am certified RTT Practitioner Hypnotist in the school of Rapid Transformational Therapy by Marisa Peer and a Certified Hypnotist by the National Guild of Hypnotists. Hypnosis has evolved beautifully over the years and now allows healing to take place in wonderful ways. Begin your healing journey by booking your free discovery call and allow yourself to be first again. 

Everything that has a voice, speaks! What is that voice trying to tell you? Are you listening to it? Together we can find our inner voice and step into our true journey of transformation.

Book Discovery Call

Success Stories

Laura, California

